Monday, August 31, 2009

HIS Expectations

 Have you ever had a past event that once seemed insignificant at the time-- suddenly arise and you couldn't shake it from your head?  This happened to me not so long ago.

When I was still working at Bristol Youth Academy, I was running late for work but stopped to get gas. There was a middle aged woman going from car to car, passing out the Jehovah Witness devotional. She came to me as I was leaving.
"No thanks. I'm not interested, " I politely said to her. "I'm already a christian."
"Oh, wonderful. But let me ask you, what does God expect from you?"
I left that day, driving to work with the devil having his hold on my thoughts--(making me feel more insulted that a lady from another religion tried to hand me a devotional).  I thought silently to myself as I drove to work, "Ha! Are you serious, I know more about what God expects from me more than SHE does. " I didn't know at the time how self righteous I was being. 

God brought me to my senses soon after moving to New Zealand. I was just riding in the car (those who know me well, know I am VERY quiet when I am riding in a car) I saw the face of the same Jehovah Witness lady, asking me the question "What does God expect from you?" Clear out of the blue, unexpected. What does God expect from you... I kept repeating in my head...  What does he expect from me, truly expect from and of me, not what I THINK he expects of me, but what I know he expects? 

Sometimes we get confused and misinterpret our own expectations for God's. I loved the way God used the prior occasion, one I had not even put much thought into before, or even afterwards... to bring to my recollection-- to remind me of what HE expected of me. 

Even from the Pacific, I can strive to be the best daughter, loving and caring, being a friend to those who need one. Consistent  in attitude and actions, striving to be a better wife (I'm kinda new at this married life thing) growing in more in love with my husband more everyday while sharing the JOY of the Lord in ministry.